The Power of Partner Workouts
Aw, partner workouts. Once my favorite kind of WOD, now they are terrifying. My gym recently declared Saturdays as "Partner Workout Days." They used to have three different time slots and now combined them into one, with the intention to have larger, more energetic class times. I am so grateful they did this because I love getting to see the PM gym goers. Working out with more people is why I love this sport so much and it is more encouraging to see so many faces on a Saturday.
In saying that, they program partner workouts every Saturday. As I mentioned before, I used to love them. I loved getting pushed by my partner to work harder, faster and heavier. They terrify me now for a few reasons:
1. I don't want to hold anyone back
I hate the feeling of being the weakest link. We have some great girls in our box who I know I could keep up with before, but now they get paired with me and I can see them dying a little inside. I can't do some movements, some I have to scale, and others I am just slow. Then they have their friends in there kicking butt, and I can tell it is hard for them to get beat and I know it is because of me. It is also frustrating for me when I have to do a movement and they have to hold a plank or something until I am finished with my movement, I know they are cursing me under their breath. They don't seem to complain as much when I take too long if they get a rest in between!
2. I don't want anyone to hold me back
Sometimes it happens where my abilities are underrated (usually while visiting a gym) because of my belly and I get put with a beginner. I have no problem helping and teaching and I understand the need for patience. Trust me, I was a beginner once too. There are times I have to use the same weight as my partner and a lot of beginners aren't comfortable lifting as much as I am. So in the end I don't think I put my best foot forward in a workout and it feels like a waste. This situation does not happen very often and when it comes down to it, I just remind myself that I am still getting a workout in, regardless if I felt like I pushed myself to the max or not. Maybe sometimes it is ok to go a little slower and a little lighter!
3. I worry about pushing myself too much
This goes back to reason #1. If I am working out by myself, I know my limits and where to stop. In a partner workout, sometimes I can catch myself pushing too hard in order to keep up or go faster so my partner doesn't have to suffer. I feel terrible asking for a break because I don't want to affect their scores or their workout. This is the reason for partner WODs, so that you will push yourself more than you would in a solo workout. However, this can leave room for injury to me or to the babe if I go too far beyond my comfort zone.
The partners I have had recently have been great. They don't act too bothered by me being slower and I feel like they understand what they are getting into when they are paired up with me. I have worked out with pregnant girls before I was pregnant myself, and I remember how amazed I was at what they were able to accomplish. I hope the girls at my gym see the same in me! I am looking forward to post-pregnancy, letting Joshua play daddy for a few hours, and showing my gym partners what I can actually do!
Note: I am not a week behind in posting. Well, technically I am, but according to Baby, I am not. The doctors pushed my due date back a week so I am doing "Week 22" all over again! His new due date is 8.25.15. Save the date!