I love the video above for two reasons - It will give you ALL of the feels and it will make you want to go work out. At least that's how I felt.
Women have been some of my biggest supports lately. I have always had a few good girl friends, but primarily surrounded myself with boys. Being pregnant has really helped my bond with the women around me who have said some great things to empower me. Everyday they ask how I am feeling, tell me I look great and to keep up with my workouts. Women can be so caddy sometimes, but being pregnant has brought out a whole new side to them! I think the ones who have something bad to say just keep their mouths shut, and the rest just feel free to uplift me. I have to say that is something I love about being pregnant. It sets you apart from other people and I like being "special."
Do you know what else gives you all the feels and makes you want to work out? Your Crossfit gym posting a #wcw in your honor. My own sweet husband hasn't even done that. (He is going to read this and ask me what #wcw stands for.)
This couldn't have come at a better time. These past two weeks have been a little rough on me as far as getting to the gym and suffering from physical fatigue. It has been tough for me to get up in the morning because of the head trash I recently started reciting. Whenever the alarm goes off, I start thinking about how I only have a few more months to sleep in, how I can't do some of the movements in the workout, or about the long work day I have ahead of me. Then, the days I do get to the gym, I love to push myself and lately that has put a lot of work on my body. The fatigue I feel now is not like sleepy first trimester fatigue, it is the physical kind that you feel down to your bones. Where your mind is in the game, but you have been carrying 25+ extra pounds around all day and your body just taps out. Sometimes I tell myself I am going to go to the PM workouts and by the time 3 PM rolls around, I know THAT isn't going to happen either.
So to battle this, I have set my schedule to Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays and the occasional Saturday. That way I am getting 3-4 days to sleep in, I don't do two work outs in a row (except sometimes Saturdays) and I can't cherry pick work-outs based on movements that are hard for me to do. I have promised myself I am going to start slowing down and quit being so hard on myself when I am not leading the pack. I have to remember that Crossfit workouts are very intense and even doing a scaled version, though it doesn't feel like much to me, I am still getting a good workout.
On a side note, my parents got a new puppy named Hank and he is an absolute peach. He is a labradoodle, though he looks like more lab than poodle.