Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 27 and 28

As with many pregnant women, with our growing bellies and urge to keep up with our fitness routines, what we hear almost every day is "Listen to your body."

What "listening to my body" has meant to me:
-When  get out of breath, slow down and catch my breath.
-If it feel too heavy, don't pick it up. (Cut all my weights in half, no max reps)
-If it hurts, don't do it anymore. (Running, double unders, jump squats)
-If  I have a risk of falling, scale. (running backwards, box jumps)
-Sleep in and don't go to the gym because I am tired and according to the world I am "NEVER GOING TO SLEEP AGAIN, EVER!!!" 

So basically "listening to my body" has been nothing, but restricting. Which is fine, but what I learned this past week while listening to my body, truly amazed me. The first thing I did when I started crossfitting while pregnant was scale back. I quit basing my rep scheme on my previous one rep max percentage and just did what felt good that day. Rarely did I squat more than 105#, clean more than 95# or push press more than 65#. Workouts typically involve 65# and under and I usually skipped "test day."

Last week I decided to go to back squat test day because I really liked the workout. I figured it would be fun to see what I could squat at 7 months pregnant, because I haven't tested in the last 6 months. Well, I started out warming up at 65# and figured I would get to 145# or so. I did 145# for three reps and figured, why not keep going? So I did and I eventually got up to a 175# back squat which matches what my pre-pregnancy 1 rep max was! I was so incredibly proud of myself and was on fire all day. How was this possible? My training has been so light, I am 7 months pregnant and I assumed I was getting weaker. LIstening to my body made me achieve what I never thought was possible. I felt good that day. I felt strong. I took proper breaks in between reps and lifted, with good form might I add, what I did at my peak fitness level. There IS a PR in pregnancy!

This made me really dig into everytime I have ever failed a 1 rep max attempt. I have tried for 180 and 185 before and kicked myself all day because I didn't reach it. I blamed it on months of "poor training" and inability to get better. Looking back, it just wasn't my day. I was probably strong enough to achieve a high max, but not that day. I bet if I went back 2 days later and tried again, I probably would have done it. It may be a mental thing, it may be a diet thing, it may be a strength thing, but when it comes down to it, all three need to come together in order to achieve more. I am happy I listened to my body that day because it taught me a very valuable lesson that I may have never learned.

Now, I wanted to shout this from the mountain tops, but I could only imagine the texts and calls I would be getting from my sweet, worried family about the health of me and my baby. Again, I listened to my body, thought about the baby, and made the decision to go a little extra. I have been professionally trained to weight lift for two years and I know when I am pushing my limits. Honestly, I really wanted to try for 180#, but I didn't want to embarass pre-pregnant me :)