Friday, September 2, 2016

A Whole YEAR Later... (Progression Pictures Attached)

Thomas Allen is a YEAR old today! When other moms told me how fast it was going to fly by, I didn't believe them. Dang, were they right!

My road to "Pre-Baby Body" has been a rocky, yet a successful one. I had many struggles, many times I gave up, and finally, got back in my groove. Read on for my fitness journey over the past year.

Well, 20 weeks into my pregnancy, my idea was to have my pre-baby body back by 6 weeks. I laugh in the face of my own ignorance! Now, I do have friends who have snapped back in 2-6 weeks... I now know that they are the exception. I am not, nor have I ever been, the exception when it comes to my body shape. I have to eat right, go to the gym, and work hard, just like 95% of the population. And trust me, it sucks.

I gained 50+ lbs in my pregnancy, lost about 20-25 of it post delivery, and have spent the last year trying to shed the other 25. About 4 weeks after Tom was born, I started feeling better and decided to hit the gym. Not quite in Crossfit ready, so I took on the trainer at my apartment. I was sluggish, slow, and weak. After going a few more times, I decided to take a month or two off before trying again. I wanted to give myself a break. I was breast feeding and Tom wasn't a very good sleeper. A little healing went a long way.

Not being able to stand it, I went back to Crossfit in November (2 months PP). That didn't go well, either. I like to go in the mornings, but between the lack of sleep, the baby in our bed, work and pumping, I was left completely exhausted and defeated before 9 am hit. My alarm would wake the baby up, which would frustrate my husband, which would frustrate me. Gym membership put on hold.

And then January came along, I sat down with my coach and my 4 month old baby, and said " I need to get back in the gym." She said, "I am not a mother, and I am sure it is hard. But, there are plenty of mothers who work out. They are able to do it consistently and it works well for them." I started working out after work and I did pretty well the month of January. And still, I failed again. I shouldn't have compared myself to the other mothers. There are mothers who work out. But looking back, their babies were older, or slept better, or they weren't working full time, or breastfeeding. Or they were just super beasts and I wasn't. Being a working mother, I only get about 4 hours a day with my baby. Spending 1.5-2 of those hours at the gym made me really miss my time with my son.

So then I decided I was "QUITTING CROSSFIT FOREVER." I stamped myself as a mother, and that was my main job. I made the decision that I was never going to be fit again, ever, and that was ok. Until, I went to Las Vegas with a few girlfriends for the "Anniversary of my Bachelorette Party." All of my friends are beautifully fit and a healthy and I started feeling very down about myself. Tom was about 7 months old at this point, and I looked myself in the mirror and thought, "How can pregnant Crossfitter quit Crossfit!?" Crossfitting while pregnant became my identity and I loved it. I made up my mind that day in April that I was getting back in the gym for good.

And I did.

The last week of April I started my fitness journey all over again. I erased all of my pre-pregnancy PRs and started fresh. I would pat myself on the back for any post-pregnancy number I put up, and any number that increased. I giggled the first time I did a pull-up again. I came home beaming after my first RX workout. I obsessed over my first hand tear. So now, five months after my "start," I am gaining my speed and strength back. We have been testing numbers lately and I did a 120# clean 1 rep max, a 145# front squat and an 85# snatch. I ran my first half marathon in July and finished in 2:10:39. I even signed up for a Tough Mudder in October!

Here is what I Learned:

1. My next baby, I will wait 6 months before getting back in the gym.
                All the gym did was frustrate me. I made no gain, and lost precious time with my baby.

2. Pregnancy and Labor is an Injury.
            It takes a long time to heal. Your placenta leaves a big hole and your whole body is working to mold back to normal. It may/probably will look different.

3. Breastfeeding takes a lot out of you.
         Half the reason I failed at the beginning was because I was breastfeeding. The takes a lot of energy from your body to produce milk. I will treat that as my "gym time" next time.

4. Not sleeping also takes a lot out of you.
              I think another reason why my April attempt wasn't a failure was because we switched to formula around then and the baby was sleeping so much better. Josh and I switch off every other night, so I was getting full nights of sleep.

5. I am not the exception
               Some mothers jump into the gym 6 weeks PP with no problems. That wasn't me and I couldn't be compared to them. I needed to start when I was ready: physically, mentally and spiritually.

6. People who say "No Excuses" don't have newborns or babies.
              Many will disagree, but babies are an excuse. A really freaking good one. There were/are MANY times I have every intent to go to the gym. I will wake up at 4:20 AM, put my clothes on, go to head out the door, and Thomas will need me. Maybe its food, a diaper change or just to be cuddled, but he needs me. I am not trying to make an excuse, but when it comes down to it, he is more important.

7. My body is Amazing.
                 I am so proud of myself and what I have accomplished in the past 2 years. I grew a child, gave birth to him, fed him with my body for a while and got back in shape after all of that. I ran 13.1 miles, started lifting heavy again, and doing a Tough Mudder in October. I realized I can do anything I put my mind to. Pregnancy and Crossfit have made me so much stronger.

To all my mamas out there, you can do it. You can get back in shape post pregnancy, but please, take your time. The years go by SO fast. Take your time to take care of your sweet babe and find the time to work out that works for you. It takes some dedication if you are one of the exceptions, but you WILL get back the work you put into it.

Here is my Physical Progress:

1 Week Post Partum:

4 Weeks Post Partum:

1 Year Post Partum: