-The Heat! Since it has been so hot outside, I haven't be able to hit the PM classes, so it is AM or bust. With work, I have had a lot of morning meetings so if I can't get up for the 5 AM class, I am not going to be going to the gym at all. And quite honestly, I haven't been able to get up for the 5 AM class in about 2-3 months.
-Programming! The babe is getting MUCH heavier and I have notice a big change in my ability to do movements. My gym is ALWAYS able to change the programming for me and baby, however I am always fearful to go to partner workouts and be there decider of an even number. If I am the odd man out, that works in my favor. But if I make the group even, they usually want me to push on. I can't blame them, however sometimes it is just easier to stay at home instead of worry about the anticipation of being odd or even!
-General Laziness! Sometimes I just don't want to do anything other than sit on my butt and eat ice cream. And my husband is too smart/scared to tell me to do otherwise.
I have, however, taken an interest in counting my steps. I noticed there is a program already built into my phone which has been tracking my steps. I decided I needed to walk more! I was only getting about 3000-4000 steps in a day. Granted, I don't keep it on me at the gym, when I take the dog out or walking around the house, so the number are a little flawed. However, I know I am not the most dedicated walker and so I recently started paying more attention and making a better effort to get 10,000 in a day. I think that may have a little to do with how tired I have been. 10,000 steps with a 40 pound weight gain (talk about #gainz) can take a lot out of my little feet and ankles. Then, if I add a workout to that, I feel like I am over working my body.
So, there are my excuses as to why I have been so bad about the gym in the past two weeks. I will try to do better so I have a better story for the next blog post!