Thursday, July 2, 2015

Week 29 and 30 and 31

We are doing 3 weeks for this blog... I have been busy with work, baby showers, maternity pictures and other joys in life so I haven't been able to blog much. But hey, not too much changed in the bonus week!

Who would have thought you could PR during pregnancy? We continued testing these past couple weeks and  I PR'd my bench press and came close to matching my one rep clean. Not that I test my bench press all the time, but it is one of my weakest lifts and I had my goal set for 85#. I was able to push 105# and even attempted 115# (with failure). While doing cleans, I hit 115# which wasn't a big feat for me. When I went to attempt 120#, I got in a really funky position and bailed on the lift. I noticed when it comes to my strength, if anything I have gotten stronger. However, my "straight bar path" is now nice and rounded which puts me in bad positions for anything going from the ground to my shoulders.

I dropped out of my first workout in a long time. I decided to hit up a hot Saturday class that had a 20 minute team AMRAP followed by a 15 minute team AMRAP. I finished the 20 minute one, but I decided to sit out the second one. WIth the heat and the extra weight of the babe, I decided 20 minutes plus a warm-up was a good attempt for a workout.

It's interesting not completing a workout. I had to take Riggs for a walk after the gym and I reflected on not completing today. I thought to myself "I could have finished," but then I also thought, "But I have the rest of the day that I need to be functional." Days have been much longer when I incorporate a morning workout. I get much more fatigued earlier on in the day and other physical activities become much more demanding. When scaling back on my workouts, I have been more energized to go to a few more classes per week. I was able to hit 4 classes instead of my recent 2-3.

As mentioned before, I have completely quit running, even during warm-ups. The extra weight has just been too much on my legs and fatigues me before we even get started. Even ground to standing rope climbs have become ring rows due to not being comfortable on my back. As this baby gains 1/2 a pound a week, I am feeling the weight gain in my abdominals and round ligaments. And may I just have a moment of silence for my obliques? They have officially left the building. 

Here is a picture at the beautiful baby shower my mother and best friends threw for me!
31 Weeks!

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