Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Letter to Thomas

My Sweet Son,

As I sit here in my hospital bed, anxiously awaiting your arrival, daddy sleeping on the couch next to me and grandma Buchanan on the ground, I can't help but stay awake and day dream about who you are.

You were a stubborn little guy during labor. I have been at the hospital for 2 days hooked up to cords and induction methods. I wanted an "all natural" birth, and as I sit with an epidural in my back, I am quickly learning I will adapt to YOUR plan now! I have had such a wonderful pregnancy. Though I gained 50 pounds, you accompanied me in a hundred workouts, hikes, trips to the beach, several states and we even worked until.. Well, today. I only cried 3 times and honestly, I think they were for legitimate reasons.

So putting the last 294 days behind me, I being to wonder who this child is that I am bringing into this world. I wonder if you will get my rule breaking attitude or dad's follow the book mind set. I wonder how you will respond to discipline, what athleticism you will inherit and if you will be careful or seek adventure. If you will like geometry or algebra. I pray for your future wife and her parents, just as grandma and grandpa prayed for your father while I was growing up. 

I am going to meet you in a few hours, so I will get to know what you look like. This moment is so surreal and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I will get to see if you got your father's beautiful smile or my broad shoulders. I will get to see your pretty eyes and most likely bald head. We will get to hold you and watch as your active hands and feet feel the air for the first time. You were so active in my belly! 

Your father and I are so excited to teach you what we know, to show you our world and to learn from you, too. Your father can't wait to carry you in the baby carrier and have you to show off. You are so lucky to have that man as your role model. He is already your #1 fan and beams when he talks about you. He is hard working, kind, well-mannered, loyal, the best friend anyone could have and just and overall superior human being. I hope you receive those characteristics. I am sure you will.

They say a mother's love is one like no other. I can't imagine the feelings I'm going to have tonight, and I know my life will be forever changed. We are so excited to have you in our lives, sweet Thomas. We planned for you, prayed for you and prepared for you for a long time. You have a huge, wonderful family here to love and support you for the rest of your life. I couldn't have asked for better people to surround myself with and I know you will reap the benefits of our "tribe."

I love you already my dear Thomas. I can't wait to meet you.

Forever and Ever,


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