Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 12 and 13

Aw, the wonderful bridge from the first trimester to the second. Where my body started changing and my gym performance followed along with it.

The major changes these past two weeks were a difference (negative) in my stamina, my sit-up performance and my mind's ability to allow myself to squat heavy. I caught myself stopping in the middle of WODs a lot this week, as well as dropping down in weight when it came to front squats, back squats and cleans.

According to, sit-ups are off limits in the second trimester. I still feel physically able to do them because my mid section has not felt too heavy,  but the owner of my box is the proud father of three babies and his wife is a Crossfit mother, so he is very strict not to allow me to do anything on my back. This is probably a liability issue on his part, too. So, I have been doing a ton of planking and toes to bar. If anyone has any other suggestions on what else to do, I am happy to hear them! Unfortunately, burpees are still in my workouts and I have been doing those whenever they are programmed.

My poor stamina has been conquered as well. We ran an "Insane Inflatable 5K" last weekend and I walked about half of it. I had a good 5-7 minutes in the beginning and after that it was just little spurts of running that I was able to handle. Its like running with a 5 pound kettle bell. Not a HUGE difference, but just enough to slow you down. Long WODs have been exhausting me too. We had a time cap one today with a calorie row buy in, followed by 3 rounds for time, followed by 100 DUs. I made it to 20 DUs. The movements weren't difficult, I just couldn't seem to catch my breath so I stopped a lot during the WOD.

Squatting has been the last big change. I start to feel pressure if I am doing too many weighted or jump squats. We have been working on back squats and cleans these past two weeks. To scale, I will either go down in weight, or do power cleans... or both. For jump squats I obviously just sub in air squats. I truly believe that squats are going to help in the delivery process later on down the road, so I want to be sure to do them. However, I am not going to put myself at risk by trying to show off and go too heavy.

Just general pregnancy news - My belly is starting to make it's debut into pictures. I got my first pair of maternity pants... WHY didn't I have these my whole life for events such as Thanksgiving, the county fair and Superbowl Sunday!? These stretchy God given pants are incredible. Oh, I also got a large body pillow which is also a must have. It makes sleeping on your side much more enjoyable!

This was a challenge that some of my 5AM friends had to do. Technically a 5 person plank... 12 Weeks Pregnant

This is from the finish line at the Insane Inflatable 5K - We had a blast!


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