Week 10 was a teeter-totter for me. One day I am feeling great and doing hand stand push ups, the next day I quit half way through a fairly easy Tabata. There were no major changes in ways I had to scale or in exercises I couldn't do. It is just a matter of listening to my body. If I don't think I should continue, then I quit. Luckily my coaches understand.
I went to the doctor and saw the healthy baby for the first time- Yay! My doctor went on to tell me I can work out just as I was before. I explained to her my routine and she requested I go light on the weights. She then went on to explain to me the relaxin that was taking over my body, weakening my ligaments and muscles.
I passed week 11 and I feel like a whole new woman! My energy came back over night, my belly is starting to pop out a little more, and any sort of nausea I had is completely gone. I feel like I have been able to lift heavier, do more movement and finish WODs in decent times. One of my friends gave me a heart rate monitor and mentioned I needed to keep my heart rate below 150. I used the monitor for one day and it BEEPED the entire time. This was not going to work for me.
I did some research on heart rate and pregnancy. According to the Mayo clinic website, as a healthy, active person previous to the pregnancy, there is not need to worry about heart rate. It used to be women had to keep their rate under 140, but that does not apply anymore. Of course, they suggest talking to your doctor and keeping some precaution. Mainly, try to maintain a level that allows you to carry on a conversation. If you aren't able to do so, you are pushing yourself too hard. Wonderful. Anymore reason to talk is a reason of mine!
More research was done on the benefits of increasing my heart rate while pregnant. Not to be quoted,, but in one study I read, the greater the intensity of the mom's experience, the lower the fetus' heart rate and the greater the variability. In a different study, the benefits extended until 4+ weeks into the baby's life. This was pretty cool. I spoke with my husband about the studies I read. My husband and his younger sister were long distance runners for the University of Arkansas - Woo Pig Sooie! That's right, I am the wife of a National Champion Track Runner. (Insert husband's eye roll here) He told me that his mother played softball and volleyball up until her final days before delivery. This was pretty encouraging and reassured me I am doing the right thing for my baby and his/her future.
I know this post isn't much about Crossfit, but hopefully encouraging if you are hearing some of the scrutiny I am hearing lately.
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